The Spiritual Mother

Celebrating Motherhood as a Spiritual Guide and Path.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Creative Energy of the Mother

Today I was chatting with an online friend of mine who is 31 weeks pregnant and raging through her nesting hormones. She was trying to find things for the nursery of the baby to decorate the walls. A very motherly thing, but the stuff she was trying to pick out was not very personal. I feel that it is very important for a nesting mother to consider making personalized art for the baby. While creating a space that is comfy and pretty is also part of a natural process, creating something for your baby that is filled with love also is important and natural. Take for example letters for the wall. These can be bought unfinished and made to put on the nursery wall. It is relatively easy to get some matching paint and paint the letters for the wall. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, and gives your child a lasting item that they will know you made just for them. Positive energy in a home can be disrupted by anything, from diaper changes to late night feedings. However a positive reminder of the love you have for your child can help alleviate these feelings during the hard times. What special items have you created for your child?

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